Dr Rebecca Mason

historian, researcher, editor

I am a historian, researcher, and editor, with expertise in Scottish gender, legal and social history (1500-1800) and feminist socio-legal studies.

I hold a PhD in History from the University of Glasgow. I work on women’s property rights in early modern Scotland, with particular focus on women’s access to justice on the basis of these rights. After finishing my PhD I held funded postdoctoral fellowships at the Institute of Historical Research in the University of London and the University of Glasgow. I’ve also worked as a researcher in the Scottish Parliament. In this role I advocated for an intersectional feminist approach to research and policy-making in the justice sector.

I currently work at The Young Women’s Movement as their Research and Policy Lead. In my role I lead the development of feminist policy and research by advocating for gender mainstreaming and responding to current and emerging policy and legislative issues affecting young women and girls. In my role I seek to ensure young women’s voices are meaningfully heard and incorporated in policy and research to maintain and build influence within Government and across the political sector.

I am passionate about bringing women’s history to life beyond academic circles. I write for a public audience and lead feminist research projects with third sector organisations.

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